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Friday, 18 March 2011

Engkleng, Sebuah Permainan Tradisional.

Cak’engkleng atau biasa disebut engkleng, adalah sebuah permainan tradisional yangg menggunakan sebuah gambar di tanah dengan bentuk yang menantang.

Permainan yang biasanya dimainkan oleh 3 – 5 orang anak ini cukup mudah untuk dilakukan, namun cukup menantang bagi anak-anak. Cara bermainnya dimulai dengan hom-pim-pah. Setelah itu melemparkan Gacok atau Gacokan ke kotak yang ada sesuai urutan, lalu si pemain mulai menginjak kotak-kotak yang ada dengan 1 kaki saja. Nah, barangsiapa yang lebih dulu menyelesaikan satu putaran dialah pemenangnya.

Permainan yang unik ini sekarang sudah jarang ditemui, kendalanya adalah modernitas dan teknologi dimana perhatian anak – anak jaman sekarang tersita oleh game online, tivi, playstation, dan sebagainya.
Permainan yang sebenarnya merupakan warisan ini harusnya terus dilestarikan. Masih banyak permainan tradisional lain yang sudah tergerus jaman, sehingga anak-anak jaman sekarang tidak mengenalnya lagi.

words & photos by : Shuttersounder

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Cayman Island - KOC


 Cayman Island

Through the alleyways to cool off in the shadows
then into the street following the water
there's a bearded man paddling in his canoe
looks as if he has come all the way from the cayman islands

these canals, it seems, they all go in circles
places look the same, and we're the only difference
the wind is in your hair, it's covering my view
I'm holding on to you, on a bike we've hired until tomorrow

if only they could see, if only they had been here
they would understand, how someone could have chosen
to go the length I've gone, to spend just one day riding
holding on to you, I never thought it would be this clear


Monday, 7 February 2011

"on the top of the world"

as i walk into the valley of  the mighty

when the sun wins against the night

looking at the big solid rock standing still

provoke my desire to rise up toward the sky

crawl up to the summit now has become my will

as i walk to the valley of the mighty

an ancient paradise upon the tropical forest

i cant sleep tight in the other night

that mighty boulder tear away my thought

now here i come

with a white chalk-like dust on my left hand

a mixture of passion, desire, and expectation on the other hand

when my fingertips meet the rough skin of the giant

oh God what would i become if mistakes take its place

one, two times crumble down

oops, my eagerness will not dwindle that easily

every single move, every muscular tense

tactically planned, technically driven

one grip after another

height that tighten the tension

feckly gasping for breath

then fear plays it role

but after last grip of the voyage

what is this feeling?

my heart is pounding like never before

i've running out of words, now i'm on the top world!

 - Ballad of a Wondering Climber -
Location : Mt. Nglangran (unknown grade)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Climber : Cetoel
